(just a side note: this is the 2nd time that I am having to type this because the first one got deleted somehow!!!!!!!!)
This weekend we went to Austin to Matt's, Ryan's brother, wedding and it was great! We love Monica and can not wait to share in their lives! As always we got to hang out with family that we don't get to see all the time and had a blast.
Today was a wonderful day! My team at school through me a surprise baby shower and invited my mom, Ryan's moms (Judy and Pam) and Leslie Ryan's sister. It was great! We got such amazing gifts. Go to Target and Babies R-Us to see what all we got and send any ideas of things we did not put on this list that you would if you were registering now. Advice always welcome.
Question of the day: Swaddleing- why do it and how do you do it