Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Carter is 1 month old today!

Today is Carter's 1 month old mark!!!!!!! I wanted to share how we are all doing :)

Can now hold his head up for almost 1 min
Can roll on his side
Can hold his paci in his mouth for at least 5 min (of pure joy)
Either sleeps through the night until about 5:30 or wakes only once at around 3:00
Is liking his alone time a little more in his swing or bouncy chair or just hanging on the couch next to one of us
Does not like to be wet at all! Either from spit up or a wet diaper
Likes to listen to the bathwater run full blast
Loves his doggies
Enjoys being an on the go baby!!!!!

What we have learned:
After the first 2 weeks things get a whole lot easier
Routines are the best thing ever
Carter does not like to be wet!
We can still go places even with a baby it just takes a little more getting ready
A swaddle blanket can be your best friend
Not only does Carter need to have extra clothes to go anywhere but it does not hurt to bring an extra shirt for us as well

Picture to come soon!!!!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Oh that is so great to hear! I am so excited for y'all! Sorry, this week was super busy, lady! What about next week? When can y'all come out? Would love to see you and the little man!
