Wednesday, June 03, 2009

6 weeks and counting!

Carter was 6 weeks old on Monday! He has already grown so much in the past 6 weeks and is getting to be a big boy. He sleeps at night from about 9:30- 5:00am and then has some food and then will usually go back to sleep until about 7:30. This is so great for us!!! Today he took his first nap in his crib. He did pretty well. He was in there for about 30 min and then woke up so I swaddled him and put him back in for about 20 min and then he was ready to be in the living room with me. I have learned that he loves the sound of water and nature sounds so I started having him take his naps with noises like this and he sleeps pretty well.

I am wanting to work his way in his crib for night time as well but he (I ) am just not there yet :)

He has been sick this past two weeks and I have had to clean his nose out everytime he eats to make him not get sick to his tummy. I never knew how hard it would be to see your child sick until now.

Any tips on the transition into cribs would be great!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Oh, I can't wait to see the little man! When can you come out?