Tuesday, June 15, 2010

one week down.........

and I literaly mean down! I have not left the house since last Tuesday when I went to have my tonsils out. This is the longest hardest recovery that I have ever had to go through. Everyone told me how hard it would be and to expect to be in pain but this is way worse. The first few days were rough but once I hit day 5 it felt like nothing I had felt before. I can hardly swallow but have to drink at least 5 of the huge cups they gave me of water each day. Otherwise I will have to go to the ER. It is hard to stay awake but it is hard to sleep as well. SO.......... I am ready to have this over with and be back to eating. I miss playing with Carter and I do try and play with him for a little while each day. Ryan has been here most of the time. He had to work yesterday and half a day for the rest of the week.
Please pray for me to get better soon!

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